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Ways To Socialise A Rescue Dog With People

Ways To Socialise A Rescue Dog With People

Ways To Socialise A Rescue Dog With People


For many of us, having a dog is more than just a pet, it’s a family member. But when you adopt a rescue dog, they may have been through some difficult experiences or be nervous around people. In this blog post, we share tips on how to socialise your rescue dog with humans.

Try to establish a routine

Establishing a routine will help your dog feel safe and secure, as well as give you an opportunity to understand what your dog needs. For example, you should try to feed and walk your dog at the same time each day as this will give them a sense of stability and they may find comfort in their routine.

Create a safe space

The first thing to remember is that your dog is not a human being, and therefore it will not automatically know how to interact with other people, particularly in unfamiliar environments. Create a safe space for your dog, for example in a crate, that they can retreat to. Try not to pet them or get too close to them whilst they are in their safe place. For example, if you invite friends round to your house and your dog beings to feel unsafe, they can rest in their safe space and choose to socialise when they feel ready.

Build trust

When you bring your dog home, it's important to take your time and build trust. Your dog may be afraid and unsure of the new environment, so it's best to give them time to acclimatise before attempting any sort of socialisation with people. If you have other pets in the house, this may also help with the process of socialising a rescue dog with humans, if they've lived with another animal before then they'll already be used to being around other animals - but don't force them together if they don't seem interested!

Let your dog set the pace

It's important to let your dog set the pace for socialising. If they want to be around people, but only when they feel comfortable enough and don't want to be petted, that's okay. Don't force them into situations where they will feel uncomfortable or threatened, this will only cause stress for both you and your pooch. For example, if you are visiting friends and your dog begins to act withdrawn, irritated or frantic, it's best to leave and return home. Gradually building your dog's social boundaries and skills will be much more beneficial than trying to push them too much.

Go for walks together

Take your dog for walks. This is something that is often overlooked when socialising a rescue dog with humans, but it's very important because it will help you both bond, get some exercise and relax. Walking with your dog allows you to have fun together while also giving them time to learn about the world around them in an environment that's safe for them. It can also be helpful for building trust between you both when they start feeling more comfortable around people again after being in an animal shelter environment or foster home where other dogs may have been present at times too!

Don't be discouraged if your dog is slow to warm up to people. Remember that you are helping your pet to build trust and confidence in humans, which can take time. The most important thing is that you be patient and consistent with training so your pet knows what's expected from them at all times, even when there are guests at home or out on walks. If you’re looking for ways to reward your rescue dog for a job well done, then head over to the Bubble Pawz store to see what treats are available.

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