Why Do Cats Chew On Things

Are you finding teeth marks all over your home? Find out why cats chew on things and how to prevent this from the team at Bubble Pawz.
While it's normal for cats to chew on things occasionally - especially things they aren’t supposed to chew on - sometimes that destructive behaviour can get out of hand. This can result in clothing with holes in, tears in your sofa and teeth marks all over your wooden furniture.
Understandably, this is incredibly frustrating, especially if you don’t know why your beloved kitty is suddenly destroying everything in sight! When this happens, you probably want to know what is going on. Read on to find out why cats chew on things they’re not supposed to and what you can do to prevent it.
Why Cats Chew On Things
Like dogs, cats explore their surroundings with their mouths. This means that you are likely going to find some chew marks around your home, so be prepared for this before bringing a new kitten or cat home. Some chewing in cats isn’t anything to be worried about, however, if your cat is showing signs that they are turning into a serial chewer, it’s likely that there is an underlying reason. Always consider booking a vet visit for your cat first to rule out any underlying health or medical problem before considering what else could be the cause.
What Can Cause The Chewing To Get Worse?
There are a variety of reasons why your cat's chewing may have gotten worse recently. Some of the most common are:
• Dental problems such as gum disease: If your cat is suffering from dental issues, it may be chewing on things to help relieve the pain.
• Digestive issues: Some cats will chew on items and excessively drool if they are suffering from nausea and are trying to relieve the symptoms.
• Boredom: Overly bored cats are going to find ways to relieve the boredom. Often, this comes at the expense of your belongings.
• Anxiety: Cats can suffer from anxiety as well. If you have recently had a big change in your day to day routine or life, the chances are high that your cat is going to be feeling anxious and uncomfortable. This often comes through in the guise of excessive chewing. Life changes such as a new baby, moving home, changing your furniture around or introducing a new pet can cause your cat to become anxious.
• Achy or illness: If your cat is feeling unwell or achy ,they are likely going to express this in the form of chewing.
• Curiosity: Just like puppies, cats use their mouths to explore their surroundings. They enjoy the tactile experience of chewing, especially if an item has an interesting taste, texture or smell (like that fancy new leather couch you just invested in!).
How Can You Help Prevent Chewing?
While it's almost impossible to prevent your cat from chewing everything, there are steps you can take to ensure that chewing and damage to your belongings are minimised:
• Ensure they have plenty of toys to play with to keep them away from your belongings.
• Ensure that their dental and physical health is up to scratch and that there are no underlying health concerns.
• If your home dynamic has recently changed, be patient with them as they adjust.
• Remove anything of value (cords, favourite clothing, house plants etc.) while they are in their chewing stage.
• Provide them with something like a cat tree that they are allowed to chew and scratch instead.
Realising that your cat has suddenly turned into a super chewer can be frustrating, especially if your belongings are becoming damaged. Rather than pull your hair out in frustration, follow the tips outlined above. Taking steps to prevent damage and provide distractions will help considerably. If you have any further questions about why cats chew on things or other unusual behaviour, take a look at our blog (https://bubblepawz.com.au/blogs/news). It's full of fantastic information and training tips that you won’t want to miss out on.
Image by Daga_Roszkowska via Pixabay