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Is Dog Flea Treatment Harmful To Cats?

Is Dog Flea Treatment Harmful To Cats?

Keeping your pets healthy and staying up to date with their medications can be confusing, but it’s very important you get this right as using the wrong treatment could be a matter of life or death. Below, we take a closer look at flea treatments in particular and answer the question, is dog flea treatment harmful to cats?

Is dog flea treatment harmful to cats?

Yes! It’s very important that a flea or tick treatment is used only on the animal it is intended for. It can be extremely serious if you get this mixed up as dog treatments can contain substances which are poisonous and even lethal to cats. It’s also vital that cats don’t come into contact with dogs who have been treated as this can still lead to the consumption or absorption of the harmful chemicals that the treatment contains.

What is in dog flea treatment that makes it so dangerous?

Flea treatment for dogs contains pyrethrins, which is a blend of chemicals which is toxic upon consumption. The substance has a derivative called pyrethroids, one type of which is permethrin. Although this is often contained in dog flea treatments, it can be highly dangerous for cats. Permethrin can be dangerous through inhalation, ingestion, or can even be absorbed through the skin. For this reason, it can be dangerous for cats to even be around the substance, let alone have it directly used on them. As well as being in flea and tick preventatives, this potentially harmful chemical can also be found in household insect sprays and other treatments for dogs, so it’s pivotal that you pay close attention to the sprays and chemicals you are using around your house and especially in places your cat is likely to come into contact with it.


What should I do if my cat comes into contact with dog flea treatment?

If you have accidentally applied a flea treatment for dogs to your cat but notice your mistake quickly, the first thing you should do is bathe them. If your cat doesn’t like water or isn’t used to baths, it might be easier to use a sink as it's important you can keep your cat in place long enough to remove the treatment. You can use dish soap, or even hand soap, to thoroughly remove the solution from the cat’s fur and skin. Once you have rinsed this off, you need to get to the vet as fast as you can. It would also help for somebody else to call ahead to the vet so that they can have a decontamination station prepared. If you have already noticed symptoms such as tremors, foaming at the mouth, or vomiting, it’s too late for the bath – make sure you get your cat to a vet immediately.


How do I treat my dog without harming my cat?

If you have both a dog and a cat, it can be more difficult to make sure your dog gets the medication it needs without any risk to the cat. The best way to ensure your cat is safe when it comes to flea treating your dog is to make sure you keep them apart for at least four hours after applying the medication.


Finding An Organic Flea Treatment

If you have cats, dogs, or any other pets, a more natural or organic flea treatment could work wonders for you. Bubble Pawz® offers an array of organic products which safely repels fleas while also soothing itchy skin. Best of all it is safe for both Cats and Dogs to use.

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